We have ten board members - President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary and six committee chairs.
President -Ted Habiger
Board Duties: Lead virtual and in-person meetings and agendas. Execute actions of the Board, and always support and champion the neighborhood. Support all other officers in their duties as needed.
Vice President - Susan Pilgram
Board Duties: Act as President in the President’s absence. Assist the President and other officers in their duties as needed.
Treasurer- Grant Mayfield
Board Duties: Pay invoices and maintain financial records for Southmoreland (electronically), and report to board and membership on financial matters.
Secretary - Carol Meyers
Board Duties: Prepare meeting minutes. Maintain SNA history, records, grant documentation, and files.
Chair, Planning and Development - Tiffany Thompson
Board Duties : Be an ambassador at city events and participate in community planning and development programs that affect the future of Southmoreland. Oversee fundraising and grant writing.
Chair, Membership and Community Liaisons - Troy Lillebo
Board Duties: Recruit new members. Southmoreland liaison with businesses, institutions, individual members and prospective members. Maintain membership records and database.
Chair, Public Information - JD Sturm
Board Duties: Prepare and publish the SNA newsletter quarterly. Coordinate announcements and press releases. Maintain and update the Southmoreland website.
Chair, Programs and Events - Robin Prosini
Board Duties: Plan and implement one-time and recurring programs and events such as the Annual Block Party, Yard Sale, twice-yearly community dumpsters, and neighborhood cleanups.
Chair, Neighborhood Culture and Preservation - Sara Davis
Board Duties: Knowledgeable on building codes including KCMO codes administration. Historic preservation matters including cases before the Landmarks Commission.
Chair, Safety - Layton Ehmke
Board Duties: Work proactively with neighbors, businesses, and Police and Fire departments to improve personal and property safety in Southmoreland. Monitor performance of Safety Patrol provider.
Southmoreland Neighborhood Association Bylaws are located here.
We work as a collaborative team and regularly support one another.
We’d love to have you join us as lead or support- just let us know where your talents, interest and abilities guide you to participate.